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As the voice of business for Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, Port Moody, Anmore and Belcarra, the Tri-Cities Chamber of Commerce advocates on behalf of its members with all levels of government, on issues that affect business, community, and economic prosperity in our region.

We listen to you, our members, to understand your issues and concerns, and we focus on solutions. Contact us for a conversation, attend our advocacy town halls and roundtable meetings with government officials, and participate in our Chamber surveys to inform our advocacy and policy work, and media relations outreach.

Advocacy in Action

Tri-Cities Chamber commends BC Government’s progress toward removing barriers for internationally trained professionals

November 2, 2023

The Tri-Cities Chamber of Commerce applauds the BC Government’s introduction of the International Credentials Recognition Act. If passed, it will enable people in 29 professions who have done their education and training abroad to get into BC’s workforce faster.

Tri-Cities Chamber votes for strong policies to support business prosperity: Canadian Chamber Conference and AGM

October 24, 2023

Tri-Cities Chamber of Commerce CEO Leslie Courchesne and Board Director Jennifer McKinnon attended the Canadian Chamber of Commerce Annual General Meeting and Convention in Calgary, October 12-14.

Tri-Cities Chamber applauds Premier Eby’s demand for small business CEBA loan extension

October 20, 2023

The Tri-Cities Chamber of Commerce applauds BC Premier David Eby for joining the fight to get a CEBA loan repayment extension for small businesses by signing a joint letter to the Prime Minister today.

Public Policy Highlights

Policy Resolutions

We work closely with our counterparts across the province and nation on policy resolutions that inform our advocacy work. The BC and Canadian Chambers of Commerce publish the collection of policy resolutions that we work together to pass at each annual conference. Each volume stays in effect for three years. The following three volumes of policy resolutions below are current, with the 2021 manuals set to be refreshed in 2024 at the annual conferences. It is there that the chamber network will potentially add new policy resolutions, sunset some, and update/keep others.



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